Goverment money
Goverment money will become worthless, it’s just like monopol money, printed.
The future is already here, who needs cash?
the first decentralised state in the world.
Cut the middle man and start using Bitcoin today.
Become a virtual resident and enjoy the state of the free.
Why support governments, banks, big corporations and unbelieve amount of corruption, instead of trusting third party limited firms that can leave you naked tomorrow, start trusting yourself. Take back control of your money, financial integrity and freedom.
The Borderless state of Bitcoinia
in today’s world the system is stealing your money, devaluing your value and printing it on faster speed than before. protect your wealth and join bitcoinia virtual state
Support the revolution.
After becoming a resident you may also register your business with us.
We will display your futuristic business, a businesss that accept Bitcoin as the currency of choose. (Soon)
Goverment money will become worthless, it’s just like monopol money, printed.
Use the pepole’s money, with Bitcoin you can do business and exchange value with anyone in the world and you don’t need anyone to approve